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SoCal PICRT provides several programs that offer services, resources, and information to our community, as well as provide capacity-building training and support for our member organizations. 

Amplifying Community Voices

SoCal PICRT provides communications capacity-building  support to participating coalition members and network partners through our Amplifying Community Voices program. Through monthly collaborative meetings, communications training, event outreach support, and collaborative marketing campaigns, participating organizations are able to bolster their social media presence, maximize their in-person outreach efforts, and test the waters with more advanced communications efforts.

"ACV provided a safe space on the back end for us partners to learn and grow together in the virtual world of social media. A lot of us didn't know how to navigate that space so it was helpful ."


- Kadisha Tautuaa, Pacific Islander Health Partnership

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Wellness Phone Banking

Our Wellness Phone Banking program helps our coalition members and network partners conduct wellness check-ins with their community members by providing by check-in training, scripts translated into NHPI languages, and subgrants to fund their work. Organizations check in with their community members to see how individuals and families are doing and direct them to resources if needed.

"When I asked them what can we do to help, and told them the resources that were available for them, every single one of them turned down the help and just asked me to pray for them and everybody that’s been hit by the coronavirus."


- Bell Tuala, F.O.U. Movement

Three Bridges

The 3 Bridges Initiative is an opportunity for coalition member organizations to establish an infrastructure for capacity building toward sustainability, succession, and collaboration. 3 Bridges projects include expert training on grant writing, story telling, advocacy, and narrative change. 

“The 3 Bridges Initiative gives our partners practical strategies and expert insights that can revitalize their fundraising approach, empowering all of us to drive impactful change within our organizations and communities.”


- Noilyn Mendoza, Three Bridges


Pacific Power

Pacific Power is the environmental justice component of SoCal PICRT.  This program offers environmental benefit programs, promotes climate literacy among our community members, and develops relationships with Pasifika and Environmental Justice organizations with the intent to share knowledge, resources, and opportunities for collective health and environmental safety.

"With each passing day, the urgency to mobilize, empower, and uplift our Pasifika communities around environmental justice becomes more and more important. Whether on or off island, climate change disproportionately impacts Pacific Islanders and having the opportunity to make environmental justice accessible through direct services, education and community empowerment is a step in the right direction."


- Melody Satele, Pacific Power

LA County
Direct Services

Through our LA County direct services programs, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) families and community members are navigated, referred, linked, and assisted through systems and resources necessary to alleviate the stress, pain, and strain brought on by social determinants of health. Our team of Community Health Coordinators connect with community members through various community outreach and engagement activities. 


"Thank you for linking us to a medical provider as we had no idea where to begin looking or even what to look for!"


- Client

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